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DEC. 2002





明代中葉黃之實用實行哲學   吳秀玉

Huang Kuans Philosophy of Practice in the Middle Ming Dynasty   Hsiu-yu Wu



中國文化中父母教養方式之研究    魏世台

Assessing Parenting Styles in Chinese Culture   Shih-Tai Wei



有關「統、獨」議題的核心問題探討     林栢東

National Identity: The Nucleus Question in the Debate on Unification/Independence   Po-tung Lin



幾副青城山的楹聯窺探道教教義的梗概   林淑妙

An Exploration into the Outlines of Taoist Doctrines from a Few Pillar Inscriptions in Quin-cheng Mountain   Shu-miao Lin



清代蘭地傳統宅第之人文特質    林福春

The Humane Qualities of Ge-ma-lan Traditional Buildings in the Ching Dynasty   Fu-chuen Lin



論漢朝「相權」之演變    邵維慶

The Change of the Prime Ministers Power of Han Dynasty   Wei-ching Shaw



論詹姆士梭伯:男人與女人的「戰爭」    高美玉

On James Thurber: The “War” between Men and Women   Mei-yu Kao



臺灣漢人之堂號兼論閩南人與客家人堂號之差異    韋煙灶 張智欽

A Study on Han Family Temple Names and Differences between Those of the South Min and Hakka   Yen-tsao Wei Chih-chin Chang



原文書閱讀:從首句到大意    張慧

English Content Textbook Reading: Relating the First Sentence to the Main Idea   Hui Olivia Chang



論清季新疆之設省   陳旺城

On Establishing to Province of Shingjiang in Later Ching Dynasty   Wang-cheng Chen



現實主義在台灣:19201949    陳美美

The Realism in Taiwan1920-1949)   Mei-mei Chen



清代噶瑪蘭廳的建置    陳進傳

The Establishment of Kehma-lan Ting ( County ) in Ch'ing Dynasty   Chinn-chuan Chen



開放下勞僱倫理的新    陳麗貞

The Multiple Trend On Market- openning Employment Ethics   Lee-chen Chen



排球選手發球技術成效之分析   許惠英

Research on Serving Effectiveness Among Volleyball Players   Hui-Ing Hsu



Mosston(摩斯登)體育教學光譜互惠式教學法在桌球多球訓練法上的應用    曾秋美

The Application of Table Tennis Many Ball Trainning in Mosstons the Spectrum of Teaching Style and the Reciprocal Style   Chiu-mei Tseng



產業特化指標之調查研究銀柳為例    黃寶祚 陳麗貞

The Measurement on the Differentiation of Salix   Bao-tzuoh Huang Lee-chen Chen



技專校院推動ISO 9000品質管理系統之方法與問題探討    楊江益 吳柏青 練建志 葛珠蘭

The Study on the Method and Problem of ISO 9000 Quality Management System for College   Chiang-yi Yang Po-ching Wu C.C. Lien C.L. Ko



後現代的生涯心理測驗解釋之效果研究    張德聰 楊淳皓

A Study of the Effects of the Post-modern Career Inventory Interpretation   Te-chung Chang Chun-hao Yang



應用ISO 9000國際品質管理系統提昇體適能護照品質之探討     董至聖

A Study of the Application of ISO 9000 Series in Promoting Fitness Passport Quality   Chi-sheng Tung



五年制專科學校新生資訊科技使用經驗與技能之研究    鄭天爵

A Study on Information Technology With Experience and Ability   Tien-chueh Cheng



知覺訓練對網球發球預期之研究    鄧正忠

The Study of Sense Training on the Anticipation of Direction at Service   Jeng-jong Teng



《大學》「德治」理想下的政治觀及財經觀    盧瑞容

The Political and Economic Thoughts in the Great Learning   Ruei-rong Lu

