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The Journal of Liberal Arts and Management


Vol.5  November 2008




論羅汝芳的簡易直截修養工夫   吳秀玉

A Study of Rufang Luos Accessible and Immediate Approach to Cultivation of the Mind   Hsiu-yu Wu


成經略西北平議1764-1833)   陳旺城

Discussion on Yann-cheng Na’s Strategy of Northwest China (1764-1833)    Wang-cheng Chen


學齡前兒童體適能與性別差異之腦波相干性研究   林榮輝

Fitness and Gender Difference on EEG Coherence in Preschoolers   Jung-huei Lin


現代化意義與中國現代化歷程之探討   邵維慶

Research on the Meaning of Modernization and the Process of Modernization in China   Wei-ching Sau


《易經》研習對全人教育及生命教育的意義   呂 雄   

The Implication of the Study of I-Ching on“Holistic Education”and “Life Education”    Shyong Lu


內在動機對第二語或外語學習之影響   高美玉

The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Second / Foreign Language Learning   Mei-yu Kao


意象與實際動作中樞神經訊息處理相關性之研究時間面上的探究   石恒星、陳慧英、林榮輝

The Relationship of Central Neural Representation Processes between Motor Imagery and Motor Execution:A Chronometric Study of Task Duration   Heng-hsing Shih, Huei-ying Chen & Jung-huei Lin


宜蘭懷舊投資的非對稱分析─以中古農機為例    黃寶祚、陳麗貞

The Asymmetry Valuation on Used Investment: The Reselling of Ilan Farming Machine   Bao-tzuoh Huang & Lee-chen Chen


大學應屆畢業生自我知覺之核心就業力與其關聯因素分析:以國立宜蘭大學為例   張松年、楊淳皓、蔣忠慈

An Analysis of College Seniors’ Self-Perceived Core Employability and Their Relevant Factors: National Ilan University as a Case Study   Sung-nien Chang, Chun-hao Yang & Chung-tzu Chiang


大學招生宣傳廣告效益分析以國立宜蘭大學為例   王金燦、黃銳堯、喻 新

Analysis of the In.uence of Public Image Enhancement in Student Recruitment at National Ilan University:A Case Study   Chin-tsan Wang, Ruei-yao Huang & Hsin Yu


由《周易》「漸」卦詮釋電腦軟體開發流程架構    畢威寧、張文貴、張家豪

Interpreting the Software-development Framework Stemming from the Gradual Hexagram Symbol of the I-Ching   Wei-ning Pi, Wen-kui Chang & Chia-hau Chang

